Huiles essentielles et bébés : petit guide pour plus de sécurité et recettes bienveillantes

Essential oils and babies: a short guide for greater safety and caring recipes

The use of essential oils is becoming more widespread, offering a multitude of benefits for well-being and health. However, when it comes to our little ones, caution is advised. Naturally powerful, essential oils can be a source of comfort and care for babies, provided they are used wisely. The key is knowledge: knowing which oils to choose, how to dilute them properly, and most importantly, understanding which ones to avoid. This article aims to guide you through safer practices for using essential oils for babies, highlighting the preferred methods for integrating these natural essences into your child's care, thereby promoting a safe caregiving environment. and full of tenderness.

When and how to integrate essential oils with babies?

The introduction of essential oils into your baby's life should be approached with caution, taking into account the child's age and development. Generally, it is advisable to wait until the baby is at least 3 months old before starting to use essential oils, and even then, use should be extremely limited and always heavily diluted. Babies' immune and respiratory systems are still developing during these first months, making them more sensitive to the potential effects of essential oils.

From 3 months , certain gentle and safe essential oils, such as lavender and Roman chamomile, can be introduced gradually and with caution. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional before introducing essential oils into your child's skincare routine, to ensure they are appropriate and safe for their age and specific health condition.

Essential oils to avoid with babies

When it comes to the health and well-being of our babies, some choices are wiser than others. In the wide world of essential oils, some are known for their intensity and powerful effects, which may not be suitable for the more delicate systems of young children. Here is a non-exhaustive list of essential oils to keep away from baby:

  • Eucalyptus : Although excellent for clearing the airways in adults, eucalyptus may be too intense for young children, possibly causing difficulty breathing.
  • Peppermint : Known for its cooling properties, peppermint is not recommended for babies and young children due to the risk of laryngeal spasm, a reaction that can affect the ability to breathe.
  • Camphor : Used in many congestion relief balms, camphor should be avoided around babies and young children because of its toxic potential when inhaled or ingested in small amounts.
  • Sage : Sage contains thujone, a substance that can be toxic in large quantities and should therefore be avoided by children and babies.
  • Fennel : Fennel, although useful for digestion, can be too powerful for babies' delicate systems and is not recommended.
  • Verbena : Some varieties of verbena can be irritating to babies' delicate skin and should be avoided.
  • Wintergreen : Wintergreen contains methyl salicylate, a compound similar to aspirin, and should not be used with babies or young children due to the risk of Reye's syndrome, a rare but serious condition.(1)

It is crucial to remember that this list is not exhaustive. Before using any essential oil, even those deemed safe, thorough research and consultation with a healthcare professional is strongly advised. The precautionary principle is essential to protect the health and safety of your children.

Essential oils to use with babies

Gentleness is key when it comes to choosing essential oils for babies. Certain oils are particularly appreciated for their gentle nature and soothing benefits. Here are suggestions for essential oils that can be used around little ones, provided you follow good dilution practices and use caution:

  • Lavender: Renowned for its calming properties, lavender is ideal for soothing babies before bedtime, promoting peaceful and restful sleep.
  • Roman Chamomile: With its relaxing effects, Roman chamomile can help calm irritations and upset moods, providing comforting comfort.
  • Ho Wood: Less known but just as gentle, Ho wood offers a soothing alternative, ideal for the delicate skin of babies and for creating a serene atmosphere.
  • Frankinsence :

These oils, with their gentleness, are perfect for introducing the benefits of aromatherapy to young people. They can be used to calm, promote sleep, or relieve minor discomfort. However, it is essential to always dilute them correctly before application or diffusion to ensure the safety of babies.

Safer dilution of essential oils for babies

Diluting essential oils is a crucial step for their safe use with babies. Proper dilution helps minimize the risk of skin irritation and other adverse reactions. For babies, a much lower dilution than used for adults is recommended, usually around 0.5% to 1%, which means one drop of essential oil to one to two tablespoons of carrier oil .

Aware of the importance of this practice, we have developed a specific dilution charter for babies, in order to guide you in the safe preparation of your mixtures. This charter details the recommended proportions and offers advice for choosing the carrier oils best suited to the delicate needs of little ones.

We encourage you to consult this dilution charter, available in this post on our blog (link to new post). This guide is an essential tool for all parents wishing to integrate aromatherapy into their child's care, ensuring both caring and safe use of essential oils.

3 gentle and caring recipes based on essential oils

Using essential oils with babies requires caution and precision, especially when it comes to their dilution. Here are three recipes designed to be safer and beneficial for little ones*, using recommended essential oils and following proper dilution guidelines.

Soothing massage oil for sleep

Ingredients :

  • 2 drops of Lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops of Roman Chamomile essential oil
  • 30 ml carrier oil (such as sweet almond or fractionated coconut oil)
Instructions :
  1. Mix the essential oils with the carrier oil in a clean bottle.
  2. Shake gently to combine well.
  3. Use a small amount of this mixture to gently massage your baby's back or feet before bed, promoting a peaceful night's sleep.

Mixture for gentle daytime diffusion

Ingredients :

  • 1 drop of Ho Wood essential oil
  • 1 drop of Lavender essential oil
  • 1 drop of Chamomile essential oil
Instructions :
  1. Add the essential oils to a child-friendly essential oil diffuser with water.
  2. Diffuse in short intervals (15-30 minutes) in the bedroom or play space to create a calming atmosphere.

Oil to help soothe stomach aches

Ingredients :

  • 1 drop of Roman Chamomile essential oil
  • 1 drop of Lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops of Bois de Hô essential oil (or a mild alternative if preferred)
  • 30 ml carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil, sweet almond oil, etc.)
Instructions :
  1. In a glass bottle, combine Roman Chamomile essential oil, Lavender essential oil, and Ho Wood essential oil with the carrier oil.
  2. Close the bottle and shake it gently to mix the oils.
  3. To use, apply a small amount of the mixture to your hand and gently massage clockwise around your baby's tummy. This method can help relieve tension and gas, contributing to abdominal comfort.


Using essential oils with babies can be a wonderful approach to supporting their well-being in a natural way, as long as you do it with care and knowledge. By choosing gentle essential oils, practicing proper dilution, and following these simple recipes, you can help soothe and comfort your child safely. Remember, every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Listening and observing their reactions is key.


Before introducing any new essential oil into your baby's skincare routine, it is crucial to take certain precautions:

  • Smell test: Start by exposing your baby to the smell of the diluted essential oil to observe any negative reactions. Babies have a keen sense of smell, and an oil that is unpleasant to them should not be used.
  • Skin test: Apply a small amount of the diluted essential oil to an inconspicuous part of your baby's skin, such as the inside of the wrist, and wait 24 hours to watch for signs of irritation or allergic reaction.
  • Interactions and Health Conditions: Be aware of possible interactions between essential oils and your child's medications or health conditions. Always consult a healthcare professional before using essential oils with babies, especially if the child is on medication or has specific health conditions.

By integrating essential oils into your child's care with caution and responsibility, you can enjoy the many benefits they have to offer while ensuring the safety and comfort of your little one. For more information and to discover a range of suitable products, visit . Together, let's make every moment with our babies a moment of well-being and shared sweetness.

References :

1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (2023). Methyl Salicylate. PubChem. Retrieved from

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Tips and Warnings

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Want to learn more about how to use these essential oils to improve your well-being? Contact your team of Essanzia experts.

Special Note: Every recipe featured here is based on using doTERRA's Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) essential oils. These essential oils are chosen for their purity and therapeutic efficacy, ensuring the best possible experience.

If you would like to know more about how to use these essential oils to improve your well-being, or if you have specific questions about a recipe, do not hesitate to contact me at the following address: info@essanzia. com

You can also make an appointment for a wellness consultation, in person or by video conference. The Essanzia team and I are here to guide and advise you in your discovery and use of essential oils. Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.


The information and recipes contained in blog posts are intended to promote the general use of essential oils and do not constitute medical advice or medical treatment.

Before using any essential oil for any application or recipe, we highly recommend doing a patch test to make sure you don't experience any adverse reactions. Additionally, Essanzia does not explicitly endorse the use of essential oils. Each individual is unique and may react differently.

It is important to note that citrus essential oils can cause photosensitization. We therefore advise not to expose yourself to the sun for several hours after their application.

If in doubt or concern, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. The health and well-being of our readers is our priority.