Retour sur le Colloque annuel Aromathérapie ARR Santé 2023 avec Essanzia

A look back at the ARR Santé 2023 Annual Aromatherapy Conference with Essanzia

A memorable day for Essanzia at the Aromatherapy Conference in Laval

As the autumn leaves began to dance to the rhythm of the November wind, we at Essanzia had the privilege of experiencing a day that will remain etched in our memories for a long time. On Sunday, November 12, 2023, thanks to an invitation from ARR Santé, we participated in the 11th Aromatherapy Conference in Laval, a meeting which shone with its richness and human warmth.

Rachelle and I, armed with our curiosity and our passion for aromatherapy, embarked on this adventure with the excitement of those who are about to discover new horizons. It was a day dotted with discoveries and sharing, where each smile exchanged, each question asked and each new connection established contributed to enriching the heritage of our store.

We arrived with the enthusiasm to share our knowledge and we left with a treasure trove of new knowledge and future collaborations full of promise.

Here is a short summary of this day:

Enriching encounters and exciting discoveries

  • Michel Turbine's conference: Michel Turbine gave us a dazzling first conference, introducing us to the relationship between individual temperaments and essential oils. We learned how to create our own synergies to rebalance our internal imbalances.
  • The generosity of Homéocan: A big thank you to Homéocan for their generous donation of cough syrups, a perfect gift for the coming season.

Afternoon of discoveries

The entourage effect of essential oils

The lecture by Dino Halikas , Natural Biologist and Naturopath was a highlight, expanding our understanding of essential oils and their interaction with the endocannabinoid system.

Davincia and her commitment to nature

We were inspired by the story of Davincia , based in St-Jérôme, and their natural approach to treating acne and caring for the skin.

A gift from Mélissa Beloin

Mélissa Beloin charmed us with her passion for lithotherapy, leaving us each with a beautiful stone as a souvenir of this enriching day.

Aromatic Science by Christine Gratton

The molecular power of essential oils

Christine Gratton brilliantly exposed the power of essential oils and the importance of their molecules. His speech allowed us to deepen our knowledge of the molecular interactions at the heart of aromatherapy.

Understanding our emotions vs. our immune system

A key message from Christine Gratton was the distinction between our emotional response and our immune system to aromatic molecules.

Emotional experimentation in aromatherapy

We've learned that experimentation is key to discovering essential oil combinations that resonate with our unique emotions.

Inspiring for Essanzia

As the day drew to a close, the echo of laughter, conversations, and shared discoveries still resonated within us. This more than enriching experience at the Aromatherapy Conference was not only an opportunity to learn, but a real meeting place, a meeting point between aromatherapy enthusiasts and experts.

At Essanzia , we are driven by a relentless desire for growth and learning, and events like this are the ground on which we build our expertise. If the opportunity is offered to us again, rest assured that we will be there, ready to dive once again into this great adventure.

We leave this conference not only with in-depth knowledge and memorable memories, but also with immense gratitude for each smile shared, each question asked and each moment of exchange. It's not every day that you can experience such a rich and complete day, and we look forward to repeating the experience in future editions.

Stay tuned for upcoming collaborations and exciting events on the Essanzia horizon. Together, let's continue to explore, learn and flourish to the rhythm of nature and the wonders it offers us.

Natacha, Essanzia owner

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Tips and Warnings

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Want to learn more about how to use these essential oils to improve your well-being? Contact your team of Essanzia experts.

Special Note: Every recipe featured here is based on using doTERRA's Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) essential oils. These essential oils are chosen for their purity and therapeutic efficacy, ensuring the best possible experience.

If you would like to know more about how to use these essential oils to improve your well-being, or if you have specific questions about a recipe, do not hesitate to contact me at the following address: info@essanzia. com

You can also make an appointment for a wellness consultation, in person or by video conference. The Essanzia team and I are here to guide and advise you in your discovery and use of essential oils. Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.


The information and recipes contained in blog posts are intended to promote the general use of essential oils and do not constitute medical advice or medical treatment.

Before using any essential oil for any application or recipe, we highly recommend doing a patch test to make sure you don't experience any adverse reactions. Additionally, Essanzia does not explicitly endorse the use of essential oils. Each individual is unique and may react differently.

It is important to note that citrus essential oils can cause photosensitization. We therefore advise not to expose yourself to the sun for several hours after their application.

If in doubt or concern, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. The health and well-being of our readers is our priority.